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moisture content
threshing efficiency
cleaning efficiency


How to Cite

P, S. D., M, E., K, G., K, K., & S, S. V. (2022). Design and Development of Sesame Threshing Unit. Scientific Hub of Applied Research in Engineering & Information Technology, 2(3), 19–26. https://doi.org/10.53659/shareit.v2i3.36


Sesame (Sesamum Indicum) is labeled as the queen of oil seeds. India ranks second in the world with 755,346 metric tons per ha area and 8.66 lakh tons of production. Threshing of sesame seeds from the harvested capsules is one of the most important operations in the post harvesting process. There is about a 5-10 % loss from the time of harvest to cleaning and storing. The major issue of sesame threshing is the uneven maturity of sesame seeds. A traditional method of sesame threshing is slow, labor-intensive, and cost-effective. Hence, we developed a portable sesame thresher. Our sesame thresher will overcome the traditional method. The features of our sesame threshing unit are quick to process, level of performance, improved quality of product, and economy. The physical properties of sesame plants were studied for developing sesame threshing units. The most popular variety of sesame TMV 7 is used for testing the sesame threshing unit. The average plant height was 1195mm. The average length and thickness of the capsule were 28mm and 11mm. The average weight of 1000 grains was 3.4 g. The average number of seeds in a capsule was 59. The average length, width, and thickness of sesame seed were 2.95mm, 1.85mm, and 0.7mm. The moisture content of the capsule was determined by the hot air oven method. Our sesame threshing unit was tested in the field and tests were conducted with different levels of variables. Its threshing efficiency was 94%, cleaning efficiency was 93% and its seed damage was 1.02% could be achieved by the combination of a 240 kg/h feed rate, 3mm clearance between two plates, 60 strokes per min, and 14% of moisture content. Its threshing efficiency was 94%, cleaning efficiency was 93% and its seed damage was 1.02%. Our sesame thresher results in 71% and 75% saving cost and time compared to manual threshing.

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